Normally I'm not of the opinion that a person's personality tends to be similar to that of their favorite fighter. One notable exception seems to be the Brock Lesnar fan. I was recently accosted in the grocery store by a Lesnar fan. I was buying my MMA magazine, minding my own business, when out of nowhere I hear a voice say "You know hes going to lose, right?" I didn't have any idea what he was talking about, until I looked at my magazine and saw that there was a story on the front cover about Shane Carwin. I gave him a "go away" look, but he said it again. "You know hes going to lose right?" I finally looked at him, and told him I hoped that wasn't true. He said "Oh, you're a Carwin fan..." and rolled his eyes. I told him that I liked Carwin alright, but that I'd like anyone who had a chance at beating Lesnar. He rolled his eyes again and said "I don't understand why everyone hate Brock Lesnar so much!!!" Really? You don't? Maybe its because his fans accost people in the grocery store and rape their ears with unwanted opinions. Just saying...
o0o0o, what you have witnessed is the mating dance of that elusive species known as Brockus Jackassicus. Astounding!