Sunday, August 8, 2010



10. His stupid almost-beard

9. His hat has the sticker on it still. WTF! You buy the hat, take off the sticker, to show people its been purchased, NOT stolen off the rack, it looks STUPID.

8. At LEAST twice, once in the press conference and once in the aftermath of the acvtual fight he started a statement out with "This is not an excuse but..." and talked about being injured in training, and offered that as a reason for sucking.

7. He keeps making this "ahhhhhh" noise like he has to think about his words...come on dude...its being pick one or the other, either you don't understand the English, and make that annoying noise, or you have it translated to Portuguese translation and answer some time today.

6. Theres probably more he said to hate but I don't know. Whoever weas translating was translating wrong, well not necessarily wrong, but he was leaving things out. He was leaving out whole parts, even my limited knowledge of Portuguese, I heard a lot that wasn't being said, and understood a couple half statements

5. He totally found a way to mention in the press conference that his grandmother just died...what does that have to do with fighting!?

4. His backwards hat and bright pink shirt at the pre-fight press conference.

3. Sonnen is right, he CAN speak English. Thats not my issue. I know its hard to understand in a language that is NOT your native language. I am actively trying to learn Portuguese, and its rough. HOWEVER he can speak English. He can speak English right up till someone asks him a question he doesn't want to answer...then he needs a translator. I may be biased, but take Wanderlei Silva for example, he needed a translator...then he kept speaking English....and didn't need a translator anymore. I guess what I'm saying is that I understand the translator, but I don't understand pretending to not understand things that you do understand. You can even tell that he understands the questions people ask him, BEFORE the translator translates...and I understand understanding and speaking are different, but I'm just not buying it.

2. His obnoxious voice

1. He beat Chael Sonnen on a fluke, and devestated him. I HATE Silva so much that I'm beyond words. I am full of rage and I have no outlet. Its complicated because I love Wanderlei Silva, but Anderson Silva makes me want to wretch...too many Silvas!!!


10. Something I noticed, and something that DFW mentioned, he could have stalled that last minute and a half, or so. Hes one of the best wrestlers in the country imo. He didn't stall though, he went for the probably cost him the fight, but it proves hes got heart. It shows that he was there to fight, and he forced Silva to actually fight, for the first time in a long long time.

9. He backed up all the shit he talked, no question. Speaking of shit-talk, I'd just like to say for the record, that at the pre-fight presser, Alves' reactions to the stuff that Sonnen said were priceless. I really do like him...too bad he cant seem to make weight. Hopefully he'll be back at 185. I love the look on his face during the "there can be only one" speech, he tries so hard to keep his face neutral, then just gives up...he has a pretty smile:) Ok I just watched it again cause it made me laugh. I heard something in the background while Alves was laughing, right when he looked over it Silva. It sounded like Silva was saying "Burra, burra, burra!" if I'm not mistaken, which means "Dumb, dumb, dumb!" So I'm not sure what else was said, or what was going on there, but Alves found it funny anyways. I love it! the whole presser hes just cracking up! At the midway point h got the giggles and couldn't stop.

8. Hes incredibly attractive...even more so with the busted up face.

7. Even regarding his unfortunate defeat, hes an eloquent speaker.

6. He denies the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth regularly...even when being presented with a recording...and people who heard him say it.

5. At the pre-fight presser he mentioned people praising him for his commetnt. He also said that he ran for public office and recieved 99.6 percent of the votes. And the guy asking the question asked if that was the one where he ran unopposed, and he said "That is correct" I swooned a little.

4. He wants a reality show with Anderson Silva...he needs to do it.

3. He TRANSLATED for Silva...well not actually, but his translation was 5 million times better than Ed's or whoever it is out there translating WRONG.

2. He said he was devestated, and seems genuinely devestated. He even mentioned post-fight considering retiring over caused me panic and distress.

1. He makes NO apoligies.