So, here we are. Strikeforce is starting, and I'm watching all by my lonesome. That's right, your usual live-blogger is off doing who knows what and she's left the lunatic in charge of the aslyum... Yeehaw, who wants a popsicle? Ok, ok, I'll wait until the show's over, but you'd better not gank the last grape one..
Pat Healy vs. Josh Thomson -- Alright, I admit it, I don't watch a whole lot of Strikeforce so I don't know alot of the guys on the either of these guys. Thomson has the better record, and he seems to be rather impressed with himself. Good for him...
Woo, double-leg by Thomson in the first 20 seconds. Well, he's aggressive, I'll give him that. Rusty ttexts me to ask me how it's going and in the time it takes me to respond to her, Thomson winds up riding Healy like a pony. Thirty seconds later, Healy's in an armbar, which he gets out of...and now the two of them are rolling around up against the cage. I would be more specific, but Strikeforce's camera work is shit...
Nice takedown by Healy, and he goes for the RNC! Thomson turns it around, almost gets a heel hook...but Healy squirms out. Twenty seconds left, and Healy drags Thomson back down to the ground and they both scramble for one another's limbs. The announcers are split on who took the first round, but I'm liking Healy.
Second round, and they start out throwing punches before Healy, whose tattoo is distracting me, tries to take him down. Camera work is a little better -- they're shooting from over the top of the cage instead of through the effing thing. Healy's riding Thomson's shoulders like...well, I don't know what. Now he's in Thomson's half guard and the announcers are talking about "down and dirty"...
Damn! Two minutes left, Thomson stands up and Healy slams him back to the mat. Oops...sorry, my mind wandered there for a minute, and now Thomson's trying another arm bar. Healy apparently lacks a solid endoskeleton and easily gets out of it. I'm officially renaming him Pat "Gumby"'ll let him know for me, won't you?
Round threeeee, and I really want my popsicle. I wonder if I can pause this thing? With my luck I'll just screw it up and lose the feed.. Anyway, one minute into the third and they're both still standing. Oops...Healy looks like he needs a nap. Thomson's a little tired, too, but not as much as Healy...who grabs him and struggles to take him down, then tries to get his back. Forty five seconds or so later and Thomson's reversed their positions and Healy is trying to shake him off...he drops him on his head instead, and Thomson goes for the RNC...and holds him for what seems much longer than the thirty seconds or so it took for him to convince Healy to tap. Wow.
Thomson by submission at 4:27 of the third round. Alright, damnit, while they're showing off all the stars in their audience, I'm going to go to the bathroom...
And I'm back...with my popsicle. Just in time...the only fight I REALLY want to see other than Fedor/Werdum is next... That's right, it's...
Cris "Cyborg" vs. Jan Finney -- Ok, first let me just say this: if Sarah Connor had hooked up with the Terminator instead of the crybaby from the future, she would have given birth to Cyborg instead of John Connor, and all of the Terminator sequels would have been avoided because Cyborg would have neutralized the threat from the womb, people...from the WOMB.
Ok, now that that's out of my system...
Holy shit, these girls know how to bang. They trade punches for the first two minutes until Cyborg gets Finney on the ground and proceeds to bludgeon her into ground chuck. The ref stands Finney up and they go at it again, but it doesn't take long for Cyborg to get her back on the ground...and continue to beat the hell out of her. Cyborg gets a point taken for strikes to the back of the head, but I don't think it's going to really matter in the long run because let's face it, does anyone think this is going to go five rounds?
Round two, and Finney comes out swinging. She's hella determined, I'll give her that much. Cyborg gets her to the ground again and the ref starts yelling at her to fight back. Winslow stands Finney up and they go back to punching...ok, it's mostly Cyborg punching and Finney doing an impressive job of taking it.. Two and a half minutes left, and the ref breaks them up. They both come out swinging again...but it's too much for Finney, who takes a knee to the gut before the ref stops it at 2:56 in the second.
Cyborg by TKO, natch. But holy hell, "Cuddles" can take some punishment..
And it's time for the Frank Shamrock Show! To be honest, I didn't get into MMA until recently so I've never actually seen Shamrock fight...and apparently I never will since he just announced his retirement. Damn. Frank's not the most eloquent guy I've ever heard on a mic, but that little speech just gave me warm fuzzies... The little digs at the expense of the UFC didn't hurt either.. HA! And rest assured, people, this isn't the last you'll see of Frank -- he's back on the mic as an announcer by the time Cung Le walks out...
Cung Le vs. Scott Smith -- Uhm, apparently Le is 38 years, I had to have misheard that. Surely they meant 28, because he sure as hell looks like he's fresh out of college. Nope, a look at the fighters' stats confirms that he is, indeed, 38 years old. Well. Thank you, Le, for making me feel old and decrepit.
Round one and Smith is going after Le like a rabid dog. Not even thirty seconds in and they're already up against the cage. One of the announcers apparently likes Smith's strategy, but I have to question whether it's really a good idea to start that explosively and with limbs flailing. In my humble, uneducated opinion, he's being quick and reckless to Cung Le's slow and methodical. 2:45 left and finally we have a takedown attempt by Smith, which results in Le latched on to his neck and shoulders and he ain't letting go. Another text from Rusty and I tune back in to Le clearly dominating and 45 seconds left. Hmm. Smith appears to be trying to wait out the clock since he's not doing much...but there's only six seconds left, and the ref lets it run out.
Round two! Smith's being aggressive (and still reckless, if you ask me) and Le nails him with a spinning heel kick to the gut. Ow. Apparently Le's done playing around... They break apart and start back with the punching. Cung Le nails him with another spinning back-kick, this time to the solar plexus, and Smith's down...and in the fetal position...and toast. Ref stops the fight.
Cung Le by KO due to strikes at 1:45 in the second round.
Fabricio Werdum vs. Fedor Emelianenko -- I'm so effing excited about this fight, I may need to change my pants. Wait, what the fuck? My feed is fucking up. Oh hellz no. HELLZ NO. Oh my god. I think I'm going to pass out. I finally get my feed working again, and I've missed the fight. The entire fight. Which apparently lasted all of 1:09 until Werdum got knocked down and managed to get Fedor in a leg triangle AND an armbar and MADE HIM TAP. Werdum by submission at 1-something.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go throw up now.