YAY!! Its here. For the record, I'm team McGee! Based on his ties to Yager, I'm not a McCray fan. I'm pretty excited, and I'm hoping Yager gets KTFO...or quits again.
Jamie Yager vs. Rich Attonito - What are the chances of a fast KO by Attonito?...Yager is a little more active than I would have hoped. Takedown attempt by Attonito eventually successful, but they get right back up. Attonito got Yager good in the face with a right. I'm hoping Yager gets gassed. Attonito gets Yager up against the fence, but Yager elbows him in the head a few times. Lol!! Attonitos camp "You HAVE to punch him in the face he DOES NOT LIKE IT!" Well...DUH...
Yager get a few good punches off right at the beginning of round 2. Attonito tries a head kick, doesn't hit him too hard. Attonito gets off a good combo! Yager throws a headkick, and Attonito blocks perfectly! Attonito is looking better, and Yager is looking a little worse...
Attonito with another combo and knocked Yager over, has him on the ground, tried a RNC on the ground, it didn't quite work. Attonito has back mount. Beating the crap out of Yager from behind.
ATTONITO WINS!! Ref stops the fight at the very end of the second round!!! Yager is suprisingly humble, and hugs Attonito...a lot. Final result, Attonito wins by TKO in the second round!
Spencer Fisher vs. Dennis Siver - WTF!?!?! The ref is female, AWESOME!!! Illegal kick by Fisher to the groin. Ref gave Fisher a stern yet sympathetic talking to. Siver is bleeding from a cut over his left eye. Sivers bleeding some more...looks like its bugging him, it HAS to be getting in his eye. They're going back and forth pretty good, but Siver keeps wiping at the blood. This is turning into a pretty good fight. Siver is getting some pretty good punches. I'd just like to say here, that this new ref is good, and they should use her more. Shes very decisive, which I like. Second round, they're trading back and forth. Siver grabbed Spencer's leg, punched him and dropped him, but he was right back up. Siver is bleeding from that cut again. Lol, spinning back fist...well...arm...and end of the second round. Siver kicks Fisher in the groin this time...so they're even now:) Both of them are throwing a couple high-kicks, but not much is landing. Good knee to Sivers face. Siver landed a head kick, not a whole lot of power though. I couldn't call this fight right now, I don't think. I'd guess it goes to Siver...but I wouldn't be suprised either way. Sivers bleeding heavily again. Its over, I still don't know whos gonna win this. Official result, Siver wins by unanimous decision!
Chris Leben vs. Aaron Simpson - I'm hoping for Simpson because Leben's hair just makes me inexplicably FURIOUS...and hes a tool. Ew that HAIR!!! It looks like he dyed it with kool-aid!! Even the fact that hes a lefty doesn't change my mind! Simpson BODY SLAMS Leben, that was awesome! Simpson tried to guillotine Leben, but Leben pulled out of it. Oh no! Lebens back is all red, I think his hair is bleeding! Simpson has gotten a couple takedowns, but Leben gets back up pretty fast. My co-blogger just pointed out that Leben also has painted his nails black...nice touch...
Second round, cheap red hair dye is covering Leben's back. And I'm not sure WHAT Leben is doing in Simpson's crotch area...its bizarre. Trading some more punches, Leben tries to rush Simpson a few times, and doesn't get anywhere. Leben drops Simpson, gets him facedown and beats the crap out of him. Simpson gets up, Leben keeps on him, Simpson falls/runs across the ring, and the fight is stopped, Leben wins. 4:07 of round two TKO by Leben. Hes an ass-hat, I'm sad. My theory is that the fumes from Leben's bad dye-job confused Simpson...that should be a DQ!
Matt Hamill vs. Keith Jardine - Hamill all the way on this one! Jardine is landing some hard leg kicks, he's dominating I right now. He just got a good combination. Jardine is doing better than I expected. He landed a solid punch to Hamill's side. Second round, Jardine is landing more leg kicks. Jardine tried a kick, Hamill grabs it and tries for a takedown, but it doesnt work. Jardine is bleeding a little from under his eye. Jardine's mouthpiece fell out, and Hamill is on the ground, he got poked in the eye. The ref takes a point from Jardine for the damaging eyepoke. Hamill nailed Jardine in the face. Hamill tried for a takedown, and got Jardine to his knees, but didn't quite get it. Jardine is bleeding worse. After the eyepoke they really went at it. Third round Jardine is still bloody. Hamill gets Jardine to his knees, and gets on his back, he briefly looks for a RNC, and doesn't get it. Oh, nice close up of Jardine's cut, as the ref stops the fight to check it, blood is just running out of it. The fight continues. Jardine loses a mouthpiece again. Hamill gets him with a good knee. This is a good fight, better than I expected. The third round ends, and they're both gassed. That Jardine grin is a little intimidating when hes covered in blood, I can see why he does it. Hamill wins by majority decision...I'm feeling a little bad for Jardine.
Court McGee vs. Kris McCray - Court McGee must win this! McCray kicks first. They go to the ground. McCray on bottom...and staying there. Back up on their feet. McGee in half guard...and back up. Second round, McGee takes McCray down again, had full mount. Tries to choke McCray, and it was close. McGee has full mount. McCray turns over and gets on his feet. McCray is bleeding, and McGee is trying for a RNC. He gets it, McCray taps. Court McGee wins by submission, and is the Ultimate Fighter!!
This is an MMA blog. It's our goal to share our interest in all things MMA (UFC, Strikeforce, and all the rest) in a humorous and enlightening manner without kissing anyone's ass (although at least one of us can be bought with cash...lots and lots of cash). There shall be blogging, and links, and good times shall be had by all! (note: this blog is a work in progress at the moment, so no whining about colors and background and crap.)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I won't lie...sometimes my fight picks are based solely on the weigh-ins..
What can I say? Apparently I'm shallow. And unlike my fellow bloggers, I just don't know enough about MMA yet to reliably pick a winner so I have to rely on things like wrestling background, my gut instincts, and whether or not one of the fighters is Canadian. I know, I know, shut up and get to the picks already. Fine, then, here you go. My picks for the TUF Finale:
Travis Brown (251) vs. James McSweeney (231) -- Yeah, I don't like McSweeney, not one bit. He's just obnoxious. Not even that charming British accent can make me give a crap about him, and that says alot. So all of this, coupled with the fact that I don't know jack about Brown except that he seems much larger than McSweeney and reminds me vaguely of BJ Penn, and I'm calling this one for Brown.
Chris Camozzi (185) vs. James Hammortree (186) -- I'll admit it, I obsessively watched this season of TUF and loved every minute of it. However, Hammortree just didn't impress me much... On the other hand, Camozzi left so early on in the show that I didn't really get a good feel for his abilities either other than the fact that he is apparently impervious to the pain... But! Mr. Camozzi IS from my home state of Colorado and is apparently something of an anarchist so I guess the coin-toss goes to Camozzi...this time.
Josh Bryant (185) vs. Kyle Noke (185) -- Sigh. This fight does not make me happy. I like both these guys, and think they're both pretty good. That being said, I really enjoy Bryant's hobbit-like fighting style so I'm going to have to call this for Bryant. (But Josh, sweetie, we really need to talk about your hair...)
Seth Baczynski (185) vs. Brad Tavares (185) -- Again with the pairing of two fighters I like. Tavares is young, eager, and has alot of heart; I expect him to have a hell of a career in MMA. Seth (I'm not typing his last name more than once) on the other hand, has experience on his side. And he's funny. I mean, really, really funny. And apparently a hell of a nice guy. Tho I really do like Tavares, I want to see Seth win this one.
John Gunderson (155) vs. Mark Holst (154) -- Wow, Holst is awful scrawny for 155. As an MMA noob, I'm not entirely sure how much this will influence the fight but my boyfriend, who actually knows what he's talking about (and is 100% to blame for my interest in MMA), also uses the word "scrawny"... in a tone of voice that leads me to believe this is probably not a good thing for Mr. Holst. It might not have the greatest of track records picking winners, but my gut is telling me to go with Gunderson. So there you go.
Rich Attonito (186) vs. Jamie Yager (185) -- With all the praise Dana White gave Tavares after his last fight in the house, he gives these guys the main card and relegates Tavares to the prelims? Really?! Oy vey... That being said, I'm sure the entire TUF-watching population wants to see Jamie Yager get his ass kicked by someone...anyone...but they were probably just as surprised as I was to learn that the guy being given that opportunity is Rich Attonito, who broke his hand early in the season. Unlike virtually everyone else in the English-speaking world, Attonito apparently has no personal animosity toward Yager. This makes him an interesting choice of opponent...but probably makes him a better candidate to beat Yager than someone who does harbor dislike for the guy. That being said, Yager's a bit of a wild-card: sometimes his fights are impressive, sometimes I just want to roll my eyes and go have another smoke.. And I'm sure it comes as no surprise to any of you that I'm going with Attonito for the win, just like everyone else in the free world except the BF.
Dennis Siver (156) vs. Spencer Fisher (156) -- Ordinarily I would have no dog in this fight...but I am endlessly amused any time a fighter has to drop his drawers to make weight. Ok, that's a slight understatement...I'm amused as hell any time a man has to strip down in public. Unfortunately, neither Fisher nor Dana White finds this as amusing as I do, and even though the BF seemed to have nice things to say about Siver, I'm going with Fisher on this one, just because...
Aaron Simpson (186) vs. Chris Leben (186) -- Yeah, I don't like Chris Leben. I find him obnoxious, and he looks like a little emo boy. According to the BF, Simpson is quite the wrestler, and my number two rule to picking winners is to go with the wrestler (number one is "go with the Canadian"), ergo, Simpson for the win, folks.
Keith Jardine (205) vs. Matt Hamill (205) -- Jardine's facial hair frightens me. Hell, Jardine kinda scares me. Hamill, on the other hand, is just one of those guys you want to bear hug and then set up on a date with your sister. He's just adorable, and I have to admit that the whole "deaf boy overcomes disability and makes career as professional fighter" thing is rather inspiring (and apparently movie-worthy). Add this to the fact that the man's a wrestler and Jardine hasn't exactly won a fight lately, and Hamill is the obvious choice for this fight.
Chris McCray (184) vs. Court McGee (185) -- I am thrilled that McCray finally got his facial-hair problem under control, although I think we still need to talk about that faux-hawk he's sporting. In contrast, McGee has excellent facial hair (what? don't judge me!) and looks to be in pretty good shape. To be fair, so does McCray, but I'm totally and completely biased in favor of McGee in this fight. I adore him and his underdog story of overcoming drug addiction to become a pro-fighter. I've been pulling for him since day one of TUF, and by god, I'm not going to change that now. I don't think people give him enough credit because he's the quiet guy in the background, but any man that can nail a standing guillotine wins my affections.. McGee for the win. Or else.
Travis Brown (251) vs. James McSweeney (231) -- Yeah, I don't like McSweeney, not one bit. He's just obnoxious. Not even that charming British accent can make me give a crap about him, and that says alot. So all of this, coupled with the fact that I don't know jack about Brown except that he seems much larger than McSweeney and reminds me vaguely of BJ Penn, and I'm calling this one for Brown.
Chris Camozzi (185) vs. James Hammortree (186) -- I'll admit it, I obsessively watched this season of TUF and loved every minute of it. However, Hammortree just didn't impress me much... On the other hand, Camozzi left so early on in the show that I didn't really get a good feel for his abilities either other than the fact that he is apparently impervious to the pain... But! Mr. Camozzi IS from my home state of Colorado and is apparently something of an anarchist so I guess the coin-toss goes to Camozzi...this time.
Josh Bryant (185) vs. Kyle Noke (185) -- Sigh. This fight does not make me happy. I like both these guys, and think they're both pretty good. That being said, I really enjoy Bryant's hobbit-like fighting style so I'm going to have to call this for Bryant. (But Josh, sweetie, we really need to talk about your hair...)
Seth Baczynski (185) vs. Brad Tavares (185) -- Again with the pairing of two fighters I like. Tavares is young, eager, and has alot of heart; I expect him to have a hell of a career in MMA. Seth (I'm not typing his last name more than once) on the other hand, has experience on his side. And he's funny. I mean, really, really funny. And apparently a hell of a nice guy. Tho I really do like Tavares, I want to see Seth win this one.
John Gunderson (155) vs. Mark Holst (154) -- Wow, Holst is awful scrawny for 155. As an MMA noob, I'm not entirely sure how much this will influence the fight but my boyfriend, who actually knows what he's talking about (and is 100% to blame for my interest in MMA), also uses the word "scrawny"... in a tone of voice that leads me to believe this is probably not a good thing for Mr. Holst. It might not have the greatest of track records picking winners, but my gut is telling me to go with Gunderson. So there you go.
Rich Attonito (186) vs. Jamie Yager (185) -- With all the praise Dana White gave Tavares after his last fight in the house, he gives these guys the main card and relegates Tavares to the prelims? Really?! Oy vey... That being said, I'm sure the entire TUF-watching population wants to see Jamie Yager get his ass kicked by someone...anyone...but they were probably just as surprised as I was to learn that the guy being given that opportunity is Rich Attonito, who broke his hand early in the season. Unlike virtually everyone else in the English-speaking world, Attonito apparently has no personal animosity toward Yager. This makes him an interesting choice of opponent...but probably makes him a better candidate to beat Yager than someone who does harbor dislike for the guy. That being said, Yager's a bit of a wild-card: sometimes his fights are impressive, sometimes I just want to roll my eyes and go have another smoke.. And I'm sure it comes as no surprise to any of you that I'm going with Attonito for the win, just like everyone else in the free world except the BF.
Dennis Siver (156) vs. Spencer Fisher (156) -- Ordinarily I would have no dog in this fight...but I am endlessly amused any time a fighter has to drop his drawers to make weight. Ok, that's a slight understatement...I'm amused as hell any time a man has to strip down in public. Unfortunately, neither Fisher nor Dana White finds this as amusing as I do, and even though the BF seemed to have nice things to say about Siver, I'm going with Fisher on this one, just because...
Aaron Simpson (186) vs. Chris Leben (186) -- Yeah, I don't like Chris Leben. I find him obnoxious, and he looks like a little emo boy. According to the BF, Simpson is quite the wrestler, and my number two rule to picking winners is to go with the wrestler (number one is "go with the Canadian"), ergo, Simpson for the win, folks.
Keith Jardine (205) vs. Matt Hamill (205) -- Jardine's facial hair frightens me. Hell, Jardine kinda scares me. Hamill, on the other hand, is just one of those guys you want to bear hug and then set up on a date with your sister. He's just adorable, and I have to admit that the whole "deaf boy overcomes disability and makes career as professional fighter" thing is rather inspiring (and apparently movie-worthy). Add this to the fact that the man's a wrestler and Jardine hasn't exactly won a fight lately, and Hamill is the obvious choice for this fight.
Chris McCray (184) vs. Court McGee (185) -- I am thrilled that McCray finally got his facial-hair problem under control, although I think we still need to talk about that faux-hawk he's sporting. In contrast, McGee has excellent facial hair (what? don't judge me!) and looks to be in pretty good shape. To be fair, so does McCray, but I'm totally and completely biased in favor of McGee in this fight. I adore him and his underdog story of overcoming drug addiction to become a pro-fighter. I've been pulling for him since day one of TUF, and by god, I'm not going to change that now. I don't think people give him enough credit because he's the quiet guy in the background, but any man that can nail a standing guillotine wins my affections.. McGee for the win. Or else.
Lawlor and Petruzelli will probably be the subjects of the Weekly WTF for a long, long time...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Ok, I'm going to start with the prelims and work my way up.
Mike Pyle vs. Jesse Lennox - Decent fight. Mike Pyle won with a triangle at 4:44 in the 3rd round.
Ricardo Funch vs. Claude Patrick - At first Funch was looking good...well other than that HAIR...then in his UFC debut Patrick wins with a guillotine at 1:48 in the second round.
James Wilks vs. Peter Sobotta - They go the distance, and Wilks wins by unanimous decision.
David Loiseau vs. Mario Miranda - Miranda wins by TKO at 4:07 in the second round.
Mac Danzig vs. Matt Wiman - Ok, this is the first fight that I really have something to say about. Yves Lavigne, in his first, and largest blunder of the night stopped a fight that WASN'T FINISHED!! So Wiman had a guillotine on Danzig, but it wasn't locked in. You could see a large space on one side, blood was getting to his brain, everything was still copasthetic. Wiman started shouting at the ref to check Danzig, because he felt him go limp and thought he was out. Lavign comes over and grabs Danzin, who doesn't move because hes posting on Wiman's leg. Lavigne thinks Danzig is out, calls it. Wiman hops up and immediately Mac Danzig throws his hands in the air. HE WAS NEVER OUT!!! Lavigne, for some inexplicable reason won't take it back...This was an awful stoppage that left a bad taste in the mouth of everyone involved. Danzig was so upset that at one point he looked like he might cry. I understand why some people think that Wiman had a part in the horrible call, but hes not the ref hes the fighter, and the decision isn't up to him. It was an honest mistake on his part, and when it was over, it was obvious that he felt awful about it. It was also obvious that he thought he was about ten seconds away from winning, but he was upset that the early stoppage had tainted the fight. Amidst all the boos, he handled it well...as did Danzig after he took a moment to collect himself. The two fighters spoke briefly, hugged, and ended things better than could have been expected. Lavigne flat ruined that fight, and it was disgusting. Official decision: The Worlds Toughest Vegan choked out by guillotine at 1:45 in the first round. It made me sick!
Tyson Griffin vs. Evan Dunham - Good fight, I'll admit I was a little suprised Dunham won. I'd have guessed It would be Griffin. Dunham wins by split decision.
Carlos Condit vs. Rory MacDonald - Lavigne's next blunder of the night was this fight. MacDonald dominates the majority of the fight. I'd say the first two rounds go to him easy. Somewhere in there, he got clipped and Condit probably broke his orbital socket. The swelling started immediately and it was ugly. The third round MacDonald was getting his ass beat. He really seemed to be feeling his injury...who wouldn't. The gripe I have is that there were a few times early in the 3rd round that it should have been called as a TKO, in my opinion...letting him keep going was like letting him get an extra good beating. He was doing very little to fight back, he looked dazed. So Lavigne let it go on until SEVEN SECONDS before the final bell. If he was going to stop it he should have stopped it...not let it go on until MacDonald was most likely SEVEN SECONDS from winning it...and then stopping it. It was at the point where it was dangerous, and he let them keep fighting. He needs to be reprimanded. It is his job to make sure that the fighters don't do anything that could cause any permanant damage, if at all possible. He failed miserably last night.
Paulo Thiago vs. Martin Kampmann - Kampmann by unanimous decision. He looked really good!
Mirko Cro Cop vs. Pat Barry - So several times during this fight Barry looked like he was gonna end the fight. By the end, I had that old Mortal Kombat "Finish him!" voice going through my head, every time he knocked down Cro Cop and backed off. He wouldn't do it, and Cro Cop turned it around and took the win. Ok I understand respect...but this was ridiculous!!! In addition to the backing off, in the middel of the fight they stopped and hugged...twice I believe, and started grinning...it looked like they were having a moment...it was the most idiotic thing I've ever seen...THERES NO HUGGING DURING A FIGHT!!!! And then Cro Cops weird statement addressed to Dana White at the end, about "Don't be stingy" pandering for fight of the night or submission of the night money. Incidently, he DID get submission of the night. This fight was entertaining to me only because it got progressively stranger as it went on. Oh, and also it looks like Cro Cop somehow got his jaw or something broken somewhere along the way. Cro Cop won it by RNC at 4:30 in the third round.
Chuck Liddell vs. Rich Franklin - I'll admit it, I was suprised by this, although really I shouldn't have been. Liddell got KTFO!! Franklin got his arm broken in the very beginning of the fight, and fought through it, still using the arm. Nobody knew that he had even hurt himself until the interview right after the fight. Franklin didn't play, and Liddell went down...I kinda feel bad for the guy. Dana White personallt guaranteed that this fight was officially Liddell's last UFC fight. The official decision, Franklin wins by KO at 4:55 in the very first round!
Mike Pyle vs. Jesse Lennox - Decent fight. Mike Pyle won with a triangle at 4:44 in the 3rd round.
Ricardo Funch vs. Claude Patrick - At first Funch was looking good...well other than that HAIR...then in his UFC debut Patrick wins with a guillotine at 1:48 in the second round.
James Wilks vs. Peter Sobotta - They go the distance, and Wilks wins by unanimous decision.
David Loiseau vs. Mario Miranda - Miranda wins by TKO at 4:07 in the second round.
Mac Danzig vs. Matt Wiman - Ok, this is the first fight that I really have something to say about. Yves Lavigne, in his first, and largest blunder of the night stopped a fight that WASN'T FINISHED!! So Wiman had a guillotine on Danzig, but it wasn't locked in. You could see a large space on one side, blood was getting to his brain, everything was still copasthetic. Wiman started shouting at the ref to check Danzig, because he felt him go limp and thought he was out. Lavign comes over and grabs Danzin, who doesn't move because hes posting on Wiman's leg. Lavigne thinks Danzig is out, calls it. Wiman hops up and immediately Mac Danzig throws his hands in the air. HE WAS NEVER OUT!!! Lavigne, for some inexplicable reason won't take it back...This was an awful stoppage that left a bad taste in the mouth of everyone involved. Danzig was so upset that at one point he looked like he might cry. I understand why some people think that Wiman had a part in the horrible call, but hes not the ref hes the fighter, and the decision isn't up to him. It was an honest mistake on his part, and when it was over, it was obvious that he felt awful about it. It was also obvious that he thought he was about ten seconds away from winning, but he was upset that the early stoppage had tainted the fight. Amidst all the boos, he handled it well...as did Danzig after he took a moment to collect himself. The two fighters spoke briefly, hugged, and ended things better than could have been expected. Lavigne flat ruined that fight, and it was disgusting. Official decision: The Worlds Toughest Vegan choked out by guillotine at 1:45 in the first round. It made me sick!
Tyson Griffin vs. Evan Dunham - Good fight, I'll admit I was a little suprised Dunham won. I'd have guessed It would be Griffin. Dunham wins by split decision.
Carlos Condit vs. Rory MacDonald - Lavigne's next blunder of the night was this fight. MacDonald dominates the majority of the fight. I'd say the first two rounds go to him easy. Somewhere in there, he got clipped and Condit probably broke his orbital socket. The swelling started immediately and it was ugly. The third round MacDonald was getting his ass beat. He really seemed to be feeling his injury...who wouldn't. The gripe I have is that there were a few times early in the 3rd round that it should have been called as a TKO, in my opinion...letting him keep going was like letting him get an extra good beating. He was doing very little to fight back, he looked dazed. So Lavigne let it go on until SEVEN SECONDS before the final bell. If he was going to stop it he should have stopped it...not let it go on until MacDonald was most likely SEVEN SECONDS from winning it...and then stopping it. It was at the point where it was dangerous, and he let them keep fighting. He needs to be reprimanded. It is his job to make sure that the fighters don't do anything that could cause any permanant damage, if at all possible. He failed miserably last night.
Paulo Thiago vs. Martin Kampmann - Kampmann by unanimous decision. He looked really good!
Mirko Cro Cop vs. Pat Barry - So several times during this fight Barry looked like he was gonna end the fight. By the end, I had that old Mortal Kombat "Finish him!" voice going through my head, every time he knocked down Cro Cop and backed off. He wouldn't do it, and Cro Cop turned it around and took the win. Ok I understand respect...but this was ridiculous!!! In addition to the backing off, in the middel of the fight they stopped and hugged...twice I believe, and started grinning...it looked like they were having a moment...it was the most idiotic thing I've ever seen...THERES NO HUGGING DURING A FIGHT!!!! And then Cro Cops weird statement addressed to Dana White at the end, about "Don't be stingy" pandering for fight of the night or submission of the night money. Incidently, he DID get submission of the night. This fight was entertaining to me only because it got progressively stranger as it went on. Oh, and also it looks like Cro Cop somehow got his jaw or something broken somewhere along the way. Cro Cop won it by RNC at 4:30 in the third round.
Chuck Liddell vs. Rich Franklin - I'll admit it, I was suprised by this, although really I shouldn't have been. Liddell got KTFO!! Franklin got his arm broken in the very beginning of the fight, and fought through it, still using the arm. Nobody knew that he had even hurt himself until the interview right after the fight. Franklin didn't play, and Liddell went down...I kinda feel bad for the guy. Dana White personallt guaranteed that this fight was officially Liddell's last UFC fight. The official decision, Franklin wins by KO at 4:55 in the very first round!
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